Image matching is an essential task in many computer vision applications. It is obvious that thorough utilization of all available information is critical for the success of match...
We approach the problem of 2-D and 3-D puzzle solving by matching the geometric features of puzzle pieces three at a time. First, we define an affinity measure for a pair of piece...
Many vision tasks are posed as either graph partitioning (coloring) or graph matching (correspondence) problems. The former include segmentation and grouping, and the latter inclu...
The Minimum Weight Euclidean Matching (MWEM) problem is: given 2n point sites in the plane with Euclidean metric for interpoint distances, match the sites into n pairs so that the...
Abstract. We introduce a shape detection framework called Contour Context Selection for detecting objects in cluttered images using only one exemplar. Shape based detection is inva...