Defending against large, distributed Denial-of-Service attacks is challenging, with large changes to the network core or to end-hosts often suggested. To make matters worse, spooï...
With the near ubiquity of mobile phones, people are reachable almost anywhere and at any time. At the same time we see an increasing need for people to limit their interactions on...
Ibrahim Bokharouss, Wayne Wobcke, Yiu-Wa Chan, And...
Employees depend on other people in the enterprise for rapid access to important information. But current systems for finding experts do not adequately address the social implicat...
Kate Ehrlich, Ching-Yung Lin, Vicky Griffiths-Fish...
Closed captioning has been enabling access to television for people who are deaf and hard of hearing since the early 1970s. Since that time, technology and people’s demands have...
Web search engines have historically focused on connecting people with information resources. For example, if a person wanted to know when their flight to Hyderabad was leaving, a...