Although chip-multiprocessors have become the industry standard, developing parallel applications that target them remains a daunting task. Non-determinism, inherent in threaded a...
Marek Olszewski, Jason Ansel, Saman P. Amarasinghe
This paper presents results from a survey of Vancouver secondary school students on their interests and perceived abilities in a range of subjects, the factors they felt would inf...
Vania Chan, Katie Stafford, Maria M. Klawe, Grace ...
Remote presentation is an interesting model for executing applications in mobile devices, since applications can be executed on a server and their interfaces displayed on mobile c...
Andre Luiz Camargos Tavares, Marco Tulio de Olivei...
Distributed applications involving mobile devices interconnected by wireless networks may benefit both from multiagent technology and context-aware programming techniques. This ar...
We consider multiprocessor distributed real-time systems where concurrency control is managed using software transactional memory (or STM). For such a system, we propose an algori...
Sherif Fadel Fahmy, Binoy Ravindran, E. Douglas Je...