We investigate the performance improvement of a multithreaded MPEG-4 video encoder executing on a configurable, extensible, SoC multiprocessor. Architecture-level results indicate...
Vassilios A. Chouliaras, Tom R. Jacobs, Ashwin K. ...
The convergence of TV and new features such as Internet and games, requires a generic media-processing platform, that enables simultaneous execution of very diverse tasks, ranging...
Egbert G. T. Jaspers, Erik B. van der Tol, Peter H...
A parallel MPEG-4 Simple Profile encoder for FPGA based multiprocessor System-on-Chip (SOC) is presented. The goal is a computationally scalable framework independent of platform....
Olli Lehtoranta, Erno Salminen, Ari Kulmala, Marko...
Abstract - this paper proposes the use of a high-level architecture exploration method for different MPEG4 video encoders using different customization parameters. The targeted arc...
Marius Bonaciu, Aimen Bouchhima, Mohamed-Wassim Yo...
This paper presents an efficient VLSI architecture design of MPEG-4 shape coding, which is the key technology for supporting the content-based functionality of the MPEG-4 Video sta...