Narrative structure models are useful tools for understanding how and why narratives of any medium affect an audience's level of participation in their role of story reconstr...
Research on spatial cognition and navigation of the visually impaired suggests that vision may be a primary sensory modality that enables humans to align the egocentric (self to o...
Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure, Cassidy ...
Large-scale biomedical data sets of macromolecular structures such as DNA and proteins describe highly complex biomolecular entities which often consist of thousands of atoms and ...
We follow the stack-baaed approach to query languages which is a new formal and intellectual paradigm for integrating querying and programming for object-oriented databases. Queri...
Kazimierz Subieta, Yahiko Kambayashi, Jacek Leszcz...
Adaptive hypermedia systems traditionally focus on providing personalised learning services for formal or informal learners. The learning material is typically sourced from a prop...