The concept of the Virtual Software Corporation (VSC) has recently become a practical reality as a result of advances in communication and distributed technologies. However, there...
Research on organization of Multi-Agent Systems (M.A.S.) has shown that by adapting its organization, a M.A.S. is better able to operate in dynamic environments. In this paper we ...
Mattijs Ghijsen, Wouter N. H. Jansweijer, Bob J. W...
Abstract. Every language employs its own coordination strategies, according to the type of coordinating marking, the pattern of marking, the position of the marker, and the phrase ...
Abstract. The impact of clause and intraclausal coordination detection to dependency parsing of Slovene is examined. New methods based on machine learning and heuristic rules are p...
Despite extensive theoretical work carried out on coordination during the last three decades, much research is still devoted to proving the merits of one model over another. In ou...