Employees depend on other people in the enterprise for rapid access to important information. But current systems for finding experts do not adequately address the social implicat...
Kate Ehrlich, Ching-Yung Lin, Vicky Griffiths-Fish...
Recently, there has been growing interest in random sampling from online hidden databases. These databases reside behind form-like web interfaces which allow users to execute sear...
Developable surfaces are surfaces that can be unfolded into the plane with no distortion. Although ubiquitous in our everyday surroundings, modeling them using existing tools requ...
Kenneth Rose, Alla Sheffer, Jamie Wither, Marie-Pa...
Medical Imaging Centers (MIC) are critical units in every hospital or medical center because they are an important step in generating a patient's diagnostic. This paper shows...
Francisco J. Ramis, Felipe F. Baesler, Edgar Berho...
Recent advances in termination analysis have yielded new methods and tools that are highly automatic. However, when they fail, even experts have difficulty understanding why and de...