As broadband access to the Internet becomes pervasive, the need for a 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24x7) interface within the client devices, requires a level of sophisticati...
Object-oriented frameworks are an established tool for domain-specific reuse. Many framework design patterns and development processes have been documented, typically reverse engin...
David Parsons, Awais Rashid, Andreas Speck, Alexan...
This article introduces a new software tool that provides an accurate simulation of Sony Aibo robots and the capability to transfer controller programs from the simulation to the ...
While usability methods such as user studies and inspections can reveal a wide range of problems, they do so for only a subset of an application’s features and states. We presen...
SwissQM is a novel sensor network platform for acquiring data from the real world. Instead of statically hand-crafted programs, SwissQM is a virtual machine capable of executing b...
Donald Kossmann, Gustavo Alonso, Jan S. Rellermeye...