Program code in a computer system can be altered either by malicious security attacks or by various faults in microprocessors. At the instruction level, all code modifications are ...
Transiently powered computing devices such as RFID tags, kinetic energy harvesters, and smart cards typically rely on programs that complete a task under tight time constraints be...
Main memory is responsible for a large and increasing fraction of the energy consumed by servers. Prior work has focused on exploiting DRAM low-power states to conserve energy. Ho...
Qingyuan Deng, David Meisner, Luiz E. Ramos, Thoma...
Background: The Smith-Waterman algorithm for local sequence alignment is more sensitive than heuristic methods for database searching, but also more time-consuming. The fastest ap...
Energy is increasingly a first-order concern in computer systems. Exploiting energy-accuracy trade-offs is an attractive choice in applications that can tolerate inaccuracies. Re...
Adrian Sampson, Werner Dietl, Emily Fortuna, Danus...