In a world where all devices will be interconnected, the boundaries between the different devices will start to disappear. Devices will be able to access each other's applica...
In the near future, we will see dramatic changes in computing and networking hardware. A large number of devices (e.g., phones, PDAs, even small household appliances) will become c...
In this work, we investigate the use of directional antennas and beam steering techniques to improve performance of 802.11 links in the context of communication between a moving v...
Persons with disabilities are often marginalised from economy and society due to the lack of access to disability related information and services. Through the use of assistive te...
Louis Coetzee, Guillaume J.-L. Olivrin, Ilse Vivie...
— Wireless networks have become a ubiquitous reality and ever more surround our everyday activities. They form and disappear around us spontaneously and have become new means for...