We are currently developing Willow, a shared-memory multiprocessor whose design provides system capacity and performance capable of supporting over a thousand commercial microproc...
John K. Bennett, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Jay A. Greenwo...
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) combine lithographically formed mechanical structures with electrical elements to create physical systems that operate on the scale of micr...
A growing number of networked applications is implemented on increasingly complex automotive platforms with several bus standards and gateways. Together, they challenge the automo...
The purpose of our research is to support cognitive, motor, and emotional development of severely disabled children in the school context. We designed and implemented a set of nov...
Device scaling trends dramatically increase the susceptibility of microprocessors to soft errors. Further, mounting demand for embedded microprocessors in a wide array of safety c...
Jason A. Blome, Shantanu Gupta, Shuguang Feng, Sco...