Motivation: With more and more research dedicated to literature mining in the biomedical domain, more and more systems are available for people to choose from when building litera...
Manabu Torii, Zhang-Zhi Hu, Min Song, Cathy H. Wu,...
Models are increasingly recognized as an effective means for elaborating requirements and exploring designs. For complex systems, model building is far from an easy task. Efforts ...
Christophe Damas, Bernard Lambeau, Axel van Lamswe...
Wikis have proven to be a valuable tool for collaboration and content generation on the web. Simple semantics and ease-of-use make wiki systems well suited for meeting many emergi...
Usability problems predicted by evaluation techniques are useful input to systems development; it is uncertain whether redesign proposals aimed at alleviating those problems are l...
Detecting and counting the number of copies of certain subgraphs (also known as network motifs or graphlets), is motivated by applications in a variety of areas ranging from Biolo...