In the case of concept learning from positive and negative examples, it is rarely possible to find a unique discriminating conjunctive rule; in most cases, a disjunctive descripti...
For many companies, the strategic as well as the organizational fit of their information systems is a pivotal factor for staying competitive. At the same time, there is an increas...
— Video streaming on mobile devices such as PDA’s, laptop PCs, pocket PCs and cell phones is becoming increasingly popular. These mobile devices are typically constrained by th...
Piyush Parate, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Suchendra M. B...
Medical information delivery for users with different levels of expertise will be required for the manned mission to Mars due to limited potential for communication with Earth. Th...
The fth release of the multithreaded language Cilk uses a provably good \work-stealing" scheduling algorithm similar to the rst system, but the language has been completely r...
Matteo Frigo, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randa...