Until very recently, microprocessor designs were computation-centric. On-chip communication was frequently ignored. This was because of fast, single-cycle on-chip communication. T...
The abuse of online games by automated programs, known as game bots, for gaining unfair advantages has plagued millions of participating players with escalating severity in recent...
Steven Gianvecchio, Zhenyu Wu, Mengjun Xie, Hainin...
In this paper, we present a new approach to performing important classes of genomic computations (e.g., search for homologous genes) that makes a significant step towards privacy...
In both commercial and defense sectors a compelling need is emerging for rapid, yet secure, dissemination of information to the concerned actors. Traditional approaches to informa...
Several existing compiler transformations can help improve communication-computation overlap in MPI applications. However, traditional compilers treat calls to the MPI library as ...
Anthony Danalis, Lori L. Pollock, D. Martin Swany,...