In discrete dynamical systems change results from actions. As such, given a set of observations, diagnoses often take the form of posited events that result in the observed behavi...
Shirin Sohrabi, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila A. McIlrait...
Abstract. The paper discusses a distributed approach for monitoring and diagnosing the execution of a plan where concurrent actions are performed by a team of cooperating agents. T...
In many domains successful execution of plans requires careful monitoring and repair. Diagnosis of plan execution supports this process by identifying causes of plan failure. Most ...
Failures in plan execution can be attributed to errors in the execution of plan steps or violations of the plan structure. The structure of a plan prescribes which actions have to ...
The paper formalizes a distributed approach to the problem of supervising the execution of a multi-agent plan where (possibly joint) actions are executed concurrently by a team of...