Abstract. We study a special type of self-stabilizing algorithms composition : the cross-over composition (A B). The cross-over composition is the generalization of the algorithm c...
Joffroy Beauquier, Maria Gradinariu, Colette Johne...
After brie y reviewing the basic notions and terminology of active rules and relating them to production rules and deductive rules, respectively, we survey a number of formal appro...
Visual surveillance and monitoring have aroused interest in the computer video community for many years. The main task of these applications is to identify (and track) moving targ...
Process simulation is a powerful analysis tool used in many industries. It allows companies to be proactive in determining what strategies will be successful. For this reason, man...
Conversations abound with uncertainties of various kinds. Treating conversation as inference and decision making under uncertainty, we propose a task independent, multimodal archi...