—PhoneFactor is a two-factor authentication service that combines the knowledge-based authenticator with an objectbased authenticator in which the object-based authenticator has ...
Abstract overlay networks have been considered enablers of efficient management for decentralized, large scale service deployments. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an example o...
The goal of the Globe project is to design and build a middleware platform that facilitates the development of large-scale distributed applications, such as those found on the Int...
Arno Bakker, E. Amade, Gerco Ballintijn, Ihor Kuz,...
Modern scientific computing involves organizing, moving, visualizing, and analyzing massive amounts of data from around the world, as well as employing large-scale computation. The...
Dependable distributed systems are difficult to build. This is particularly true if they have dependability requirements that change during the execution of an application, and are...
Michel Cukier, Jennifer Ren, Chetan Sabnis, David ...