As chip multiprocessors scale to a greater number of processing cores, on-chip interconnection networks will experience dramatic increases in both bandwidth demand and power dissi...
M.-C. Frank Chang, Jason Cong, Adam Kaplan, Chunyu...
Distributed storage systems often use data replication to mask failures and guarantee high data availability. Node failures can be transient or permanent. While the system must ge...
Jing Tian, Zhi Yang, Wei Chen, Ben Y. Zhao, Yafei ...
We study stochastic models to mitigate the risk of poor Quality-of-Service (QoS) in computational markets. Consumers who purchase services expect both price and performance guaran...
A radio frequency identifier (RFID) system consists of inexpensive, uniquely identifiable tags that are mounted on physical objects, and readers that track these tags (and hence...
—Path diversity works by setting up multiple parallel connections between the end points using the topological path redundancy of the network. In this paper, Forward Error Correc...
Shervan Fashandi, Shahab Oveis Gharan, Amir K. Kha...