The Internet is changing from being only an efficient platform for data delivery to become also a platform for audio/video applications. The stability of the traditional Internet i...
Luca De Cicco, Saverio Mascolo, Vittorio Palmisano
The guaranteed delivery of critical data is an essential requirement in most Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. The paucity of energy, communication, processing and storag...
On-chip caches represent a sizeable fraction of the total power consumption of microprocessors. Although large caches can significantly improve performance, they have the potentia...
With the increasing popularity of wireless mesh networks (WMNs), the demand for multimedia services encompassing VoIP, multimedia streaming and interactive gaming is increasing rap...
In a virtualized environment, device drivers are often run inside a virtual machine (VM) rather than in the hypervisor, for reasons of safety and reduction in software engineering...