As commodity microprocessors and networks reach performance levels comparable to those used in massively parallel processors, clusters of symmetric multiprocessors are starting to...
This paper presents a new stochastic approach which can be applied with di erent watermark techniques. The approach is based on the computation of a Noise Visibility Function NVF...
Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Alexander Herrigel, Naz...
The intellectual property (IP) business model is vulnerable to a number of potentially devastating obstructions, such as misappropriation and intellectual property fraud. We propo...
Media applications are characterized by large amounts of available parallelism, little data reuse, and a high computation to memory access ratio. While these characteristics are p...
Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, B...
Current advances in networking, computing, software and web technologies have led to an explosive growth in the development of networked applications. Management of large-scale ne...
Salim Hariri, Yoonhee Kim, K. Varshney, R. Kaminsk...