This paper describes an approach to detect unknown event patterns. In this context, an event is not only something that happens, but also something that can be analysed. This task...
Alexander Widder, Rainer von Ammon, Philippe Schae...
Information systems (IS) researchers have made considerable progress on defining and formalizing structured methods to support collaborative development of information systems. Co...
Robert O. Briggs, John D. Murphy, Thomas F. Carlis...
The study of networked systems is an emerging field, impacting almost every area of engineering and science, including the important domains of communication systems, biology, soc...
Background: Probability based statistical learning methods such as mutual information and Bayesian networks have emerged as a major category of tools for reverse engineering mecha...
— Programming to exploit the resources in a multicore system remains a major obstacle for both computer and software engineers. Transactional memory offers an attractive alternat...