We present the systematic design and development of a distributed query scheduling service DQS in the context of DIOM, a distributed and interoperable query mediation system 26 ...
Query Personalization is the process of dynamically enhancing a query with related user preferences stored in a user profile with the aim of providing personalized answers. The und...
Web searchers reformulate their queries, as they adapt to search engine behavior, learn more about a topic, or simply correct typing errors. Automatic query rewriting can help user...
Rosie Jones, Kevin Bartz, Pero Subasic, Benjamin R...
Conventional research on similarity search focuses on measuring the similarity between objects with the same type. However, in many real-world applications, we need to measure the...
Chuan Shi, Xiangnan Kong, Philip S. Yu, Sihong Xie...
Query Personalization is the process of dynamically enhancing a query with related user preferences stored in a user profile with the aim of providing personalized answers. The un...