Abstract. Evacuation planning is critical for numerous important applications, e.g. disaster emergency management and homeland defense preparation. Efficient tools are needed to pr...
Given a transportation network, a vulnerable population, and a set of destinations, evacuation route planning identifies routes to minimize the time to evacuate the vulnerable pop...
Given a transportation network having source nodes with evacuees and destination nodes, we want to find a contraflow network configuration (that is, ideal direction for each edge) ...
This paper considers the problem of Multi-Geography Route Planning (MGRP) where the geographical information may be spread over multiple heterogeneous interconnected maps. We firs...
Vidhya Balasubramanian, Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Sha...
Contraflow, or lane reversal, is a way of increasing outbound capacity of a real network by reversing the direction of inbound roads during evacuations. The contraflow is consider...