Existing and upcoming distributed multimedia applications require highly diverse services to satisfy their communication needs. Service integrated communication systems should be c...
Reconfigurable software is highly desired for automated machine tool control systems for low-cost products and short time to market. In this paper, we propose a software architectu...
Background: The ambition of most molecular biologists is the understanding of the intricate network of molecular interactions that control biological systems. As scientists uncove...
Alessandro Di Cara, Abhishek Garg, Giovanni De Mic...
In networked control systems the controller of a physicallydistributed plant is implemented as a collection of tightlyinteracting, concurrent processes running on a distributed ex...
Alessandro Pinto, Luca P. Carloni, Alberto L. Sang...
Based on the FOCUS theory of distributed systems (see [Broy, Stølen 01]) that are composed of interacting components we introduce a formal model of services and layered architectu...