Mapping concepts from medical terminologies, such as the UMLS, to medical documents is a prerequisite for many tasks of (automatically) processing documents. Due to the nature of ...
Katharina Kaiser, Theresia Gschwandtner, Patrick M...
Fusion of multiple face and fingerprint matchers based on different biometrics for personal authentication has been investigated in the last years. However, the performance achiev...
— This paper describes the main principles of a vision sensor dedicated to the detecting and tracking faces in video sequences. For this purpose, a current mode CMOS active senso...
Dominique Ginhac, Eri Prasetyo, Michel Paindavoine...
We present a method to generate mouth animations coupled with moderate movements of the head. Our method uses a coarse 2D textured mesh representation of images. With hardware tex...
This paper describes an active-camera real-time system for tracking, shape description, and classification of the human face and mouth using only an SGI Indy computer. The system...