Abstract—In this contribution we present a decentralized power allocation algorithm for the uplink interleave division multiple access (IDMA) channel. Within the proposed optimal...
Samir Medina Perlaza, Laura Cottatellucci, M&eacut...
The ability to simulate a seaport environment, including illicit cargo and the sensors designed to detect such cargo, allows the evaluation of alternative detection methods in orde...
Allen Christiansen, Damian Johnson, Lawrence B. Ho...
Abstract. Even the most well-motivated models of information security have application limitations due to the inherent uncertainties involving risk. This paper exemplifies a formal...
Benjamin Johnson, Jens Grossklags, Nicolas Christi...
In first person shooter (FPS) games the round trip time (RTT) (delay, or ‘lag’) between a client and server is an important criterion for players when deciding which server to ...
Grenville J. Armitage, Carl Javier, Sebastian Zand...
We determine the robust Nash equilibrium (RNE) for a wide range of problems in communications systems and networks that are faced with uncertainty in their parameters’ values. T...
Saeedeh Parsaeefard, Ahmad R. Sharafat, Mihaela va...