Online controlled experiments are often utilized to make datadriven decisions at Amazon, Microsoft, eBay, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Zynga, and at many other companies. While the th...
Ron Kohavi, Alex Deng, Brian Frasca, Roger Longbot...
In this paper, we describe PSE (Postmortem Symbolic Evaluation), a static analysis algorithm that can be used by programmers to diagnose software failures. The algorithm requires ...
Roman Manevich, Manu Sridharan, Stephen Adams, Man...
Argumentation is a promising approach used by autonomous agents for reasoning about inconsistent knowledge, based on the construction and the comparison of arguments. In this pape...
This paper describes cdiprover3 a tool for proving termination of term rewrite systems by polynomial interpretations and context dependent interpretations. The methods used by cdip...
This paper follows a formal approach to information retrieval based on statistical language models. By introducing some simple reformulations of the basic language modeling approa...