The Broadcast News Editor (BNE) and Broadcast News Navigator (BNN) are fully implemented systems that exploit integrated image, speech, and language processing to support intellig...
We investigate the task of finding links from Wikipedia pages to external web pages. Such external links significantly extend the information in Wikipedia with information from ...
Indexing and retrieval of speech content in various forms such as broadcast news, customer care data and on-line media has gained a lot of interest for a wide range of application...
Dogan Can, Erica Cooper, Arnab Ghoshal, Martin Jan...
Giving suggestions to users of Web-based services is a common practice aimed at enhancing their navigation experience. Major Web Search Engines usually provide Suggestions under t...
Ranieri Baraglia, Fidel Cacheda, Victor Carneiro, ...
Selecting and presenting content culled from multiple heterogeneous and physically distributed sources is a challenging task. The exponential growth of the web data in modern time...