In the cases of paralysis so severe that a person's ability to control movement is limited to the muscles around the eyes, eye movements or blinks are the only way for the per...
John J. Magee, Margrit Betke, James Gips, M. R. Sc...
This research explores interactive games using hand and face tracking with a robot as a tool for autism therapy. The robot is equipped with a head and two arms, each with two degre...
This paper describes a system which uses multiple visual processes to detect and track faces for video compression and transmission. The system is based on an architecture in whic...
ct expressions, and different head orientations. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for realtime 3D face pose discrimination based on active IR illumination from a monocula...
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for identifying regions of interest (ROIs) in video, particularly for the keyframes extracted from a home video. The camera motion is introd...