In ensemble (or bulk) quantum computation, all computations are performed on an ensemble of computers rather than on a single computer. Measurements of qubits in an individual com...
P. Oscar Boykin, Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Tal Mor, F...
We study recent developments in quantum computing (QC) testing and fault tolerance (FT) techniques and discuss several attempts to formalize quantum logic fault models. We illustr...
David Y. Feinstein, V. S. S. Nair, Mitchell A. Tho...
Shor has showed how to perform fault tolerant quantum computation when the probability for an error in a qubit or a gate, η, decays with the size of the computation polylogarithmi...
We show that quantum circuits cannot be made faulttolerant against a depolarizing noise level of ˆθ = (6 − 2 √ 2)/7 ≈ 45%, thereby improving on a previous bound of 50% (du...
Harry Buhrman, Richard Cleve, Monique Laurent, Noa...