PROBLEM: Automatic keyword assignment has been largely studied in medical informatics in the context of the MEDLINE database, both for helping search in MEDLINE and in order to pr...
This paper shows how lightpath-based networks can allow challenging, fine-grained parallel supercomputing applications to be run on a grid, using parallel retrograde analysis on ...
Kees Verstoep, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal, John W...
Distributed averaging describes a class of network algorithms for the decentralized computation of aggregate statistics. Initially, each node has a scalar data value, and the goal...
In this paper the behavior of the upcoming MAC protocol for wireless LANs IEEE 802.11e is investigated. Based on the results, we propose an enhancement for Hybrid Coordination Fun...
Balasubramanian Appiah Venkatakrishnan, S. Selvake...
In this paper, we address issues related to flow correlation attacks and the corresponding countermeasures in mix networks. Mixes have been used in many anonymous communication s...
Ye Zhu, Xinwen Fu, Bryan Graham, Riccardo Bettati,...