In random key predistribution techniques for wireless sensor networks, a relatively small number of keys are randomly chosen from a large key pool and are loaded on the sensors pri...
In our experiments with four well-known systems for solving partially observable planning problems (Contingent-FF, MBP, PKS, and POND), we were greatly surprised to find that they...
Ronald Alford, Ugur Kuter, Dana S. Nau, Elnatan Re...
Background: The four heterogeneous childhood cancers, neuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and Ewing sarcoma present a similar histology of small round blue cell...
Nikhil R. Pal, Kripamoy Aguan, Animesh Sharma, Shu...
Background: We develop a Bayesian method based on MCMC for estimating the relative rates of pericentric and paracentric inversions from marker data from two species. The method al...
ÐWith effective packet-scheduling mechanisms, modern integrated networks can support the diverse quality-of-service requirements of emerging applications. However, arbitrating bet...