Repeaters are often used to drive high impedance interconnects. These lines have become highly inductive and can affect signal behavior. The line inductance should therefore be co...
A central issue in logical concept induction is the prospect of inconsistency. This problem may arise due to noise in the training data, or because the target concept does not fit...
This paper assumes a search space of fixed-length strings, where the size of the alphabet can vary from position to position. Structural crossover is mask-based crossover, and thu...
Alden H. Wright, Michael D. Vose, Jonathan E. Rowe
Motivated by Lagrangian simulation of elastic deformation, we propose a new tetrahedral mesh generation algorithm that produces both high quality elements and a mesh that is well ...
Neil Molino, Robert Bridson, Joseph Teran, Ronald ...
The development of compiler-based mechanisms to reduce the percentage of hotspots and optimize the thermal profile of large register files has become an important issue. Thermal...