Given an undirected hypergraph and a subset of vertices S ⊆ V with a specified root vertex r ∈ S, the STEINER ROOTED-ORIENTATION problem is to find an orientation of all the...
— This paper reports on an experiment in network protocol design: we use novel rigorous techniques in the design process of a new protocol, in a close collaboration between syste...
Adam Biltcliffe, Michael Dales, Sam Jansen, Tom Ri...
Persistent homology is the mathematical core of recent work on shape, including reconstruction, recognition, and matching. Its pertinent information is encapsulated by a pairing o...
David Cohen-Steiner, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Dmitriy...
We propose the monadic linear logic programming language LolliMon as a new foundation for the specification of distributed trust management systems, particularly the RT framework...
Goal orientation is an increasingly recognised Requirements Engineering paradigm. However, integration of goal modelling with operational models remains an open area for which the...