The rapid progress of computers and today's heterogeneous computing environment means computation-intensive signal processing algorithms must be optimized for performance in ...
This paper presents a new approach for verifying confidenfor programs, based on abstract interpretation. The framework is formally developed and proved correct in the theorem prov...
A survey of effective characterizations of tree logics. If L is a logic, then an effective characterization for L is an algorithm, which inputs a tree automaton and replies if the...
We identify a new type of stateful IDS evasion, named signature evasion. We formalize the signature evasion on those Stateful IDSs whose state can be modeled using Deterministic F...
Fast real-time feasibility tests and analysis algorithms are necessary for a high acceptance of the formal techniques by industrial software engineers. This paper presents a possi...
Victor Pollex, Steffen Kollmann, Karsten Albers, F...