Name passing calculi are nowadays an established field on its own. Besides their practical relevance, they offered an intriguing challenge, since the standard operational, denotati...
Filippo Bonchi, Maria Grazia Buscemi, Vincenzo Cia...
We consider the problem of representing plans for mixed-initiative planning, where several participants cooperate to develop plans. We claim that in such an environment, a crucial...
The design of complex Systems-on-Chips implies to take into account communication and memory access constraints for the integration of dedicated hardware accelerator. In this paper...
We present some decidability and undecidability results for subsets of the BlenX Language, a process-calculi-based programming language developed for modelling biological processe...
Emotion is an important mental and physiological state, influencing cognition, perception, learning, communication, decision making, etc. It is considered as a definitive important...
Christian Stickel, Martin Ebner, Silke Steinbach-N...