Snap-shot mechanisms are used to read a globally consistent set of variable values. Such a mechanism can be used to solve a variety of communication and synchronization problems, ...
Andreas Ermedahl, Hans Hansson, Marina Papatrianta...
Multicast routing enables e cient data distribution to multiple recipients. However, existing work has concentrated on extending single-domain techniques to wide-area networks, ra...
Satish Kumar, Pavlin Radoslavov, David Thaler, Cen...
We propose a system for controlling in real time the localisation of sound sources. The system, called MidiSpace, is a real time spatializer of Midi music. We raise the issue of wh...
Historically, efforts at user modelling in educational systems have tended to employ knowledge representations in which symbolic (or "linguistic") cognition is emphasize...
For a large class of examples arising in statistical physics known as attractive spin systems (e.g., the Ising model), one seeks to sample from a probability distribution π on an...