We argue that the key underpinning of the current state-of-the real-time practice — the priority artifact — and that of the current state-of-the real-time art — deadline-bas...
There are p heterogeneous objects to be assigned to n
competing agents (n > p) each with unit demand. It is
required to design a Groves mechanism for this assignment
problem ...
Present-day object-oriented middleware provides little support for the distribution, replication and caching of the state of a distributed object. This makes these platforms unsui...
Arno Bakker, Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbau...
ceptual, or abstract level, a value of type moving point (type mpoint, for short) is a function from time into point values, and a moving region (mregion) value is a function from ...
We describe an approach to understanding evolved programs for a real world object detection problem, that of finding orthodontic landmarks in cranio-facial X-Rays. The approach in...
Victor Ciesielski, Andrew Innes, Sabu John, John M...