Emergent narrative refers to simulation-based systems in which stories emerge from the autonomous interactions among character agents and/or the human player. Despite its advantag...
— This research proposes a method for producing music via visual composition in a computer-game like environment. This is accomplished through the development of artificial intel...
Serious games have recently emerged as an avenue for curriculum delivery. Serious games incorporate motivation and entertainment while providing pointed curriculum for the user. Th...
Kyle B. Dempsey, Justin F. Brunelle, G. Tanner Jac...
Collaborative Tagging is a powerful method to create folksonomies that can be used to grasp/filter user preferences or enhance web search. Recent research has shown that depending...
There is a trend in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) towards flexible and adapted learning experiences that modify their contents and behavior to suit the needs of different lea...
Javier Torrente, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fern&a...