These lecture notes cover several topics such as Topological Space, Metric Space, Convex Sets, Correspondences, Maximum Theorem, KKM Theorem, Existence of Maximal Element, Selectio...
Most work in game theory assumes that players are perfect reasoners and have common knowledge of all significant aspects of the game. In earlier work [Halpern and Rˆego 2006], w...
These lecture notes cover several topics such as Preliminaries on Modern Economics and Mathematics, Consumer Theory, Production Theory, Choice Under Uncertainty, Game Theory, Theor...
The paper studies reductions of propositional theories in equilibrium logic to logic programs under answer set semantics. Specifically we are concerned with the question of how to...
: In this paper we present novel algorithms to compute quasi-static and dynamic equilibrium positions and orientations (if any) of 2D polygonal or curved parts placed on general sh...