Next generation tiled microarchitectures are going to be limited by off-chip misses and by on-chip network usage. Furthermore, these platforms will run an heterogeneous mix of ap...
Branches that depend directly or indirectly on load instructions are a leading cause of mispredictions by state-of-the-art branch predictors. For a branch of this type, there is a...
Multicore is now the dominant processor trend, and the number of cores is rapidly increasing. The paradigm shift to multicore forces the redesign of the software stack, which incl...
The usage of cellular phones, PDAs, and other mobile devices has increased dramatically over the past ten years. Java is targeted to be one of the most popular execution environme...
Christoph Kerschbaumer, Gregor Wagner, Christian W...
Consider a network of processors among which elements in a finite field K can be verifiably shared in a constant number of rounds. Assume furthermore constant-round protocols ar...