This paper describes newly invented multiscale transforms known under the name of the ridgelet [6] and the curvelet transforms [9, 8]. These systems combine ideas of multiscale an...
In wireless mesh networks such as WLAN (IEEE 802.11s) or WMAN (IEEE 802.11), each node should help to relay packets of neighboring nodes toward gateway using multi-hop routing mec...
We describe the algorithms and implementation details involved in the concretizations of a generic framework that enables exact construction, maintenance, and manipulation of arran...
Eric Berberich, Efi Fogel, Dan Halperin, Michael K...
The performance of a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system is inherently constrained by the features adopted to represent the images in the database. In this paper, a new ap...
We present a system for simulating and visualizing the propagation of dispersive contaminants with an application to urban security. In particular, we simulate airborne contaminan...
Arie E. Kaufman, Feng Qiu, Haik Lorenz, Jianning W...