Personalization has been deemed one of the major challenges in information retrieval with a significant potential for providing better search experience to individual users. Espec...
Julia Luxenburger, Shady Elbassuoni, Gerhard Weiku...
Related entity finding is the task of returning a ranked list of homepages of relevant entities of a specified type that need to engage in a given relationship with a given sour...
Abstract. The ostensive model assumes that a user’s information need is dynamic and developing, thus, a recently accessed object can be seen as more indicative to the current inf...
As the volume of multimedia data available on internet is tremendously increasing, the content-based similarity search becomes a popular approach to multimedia retrieval. The most...
Document-centric XML is a mixture of text and structure. With the increased availability of document-centric XML content comes a need for query facilities in which both structural...
Jaap Kamps, Maarten Marx, Maarten de Rijke, Bö...