We define a new logic, STRAND, that allows reasoning with heapmanipulating programs using deductive verification and SMT solvers. STRAND logic (“STRucture ANd Data” logic) f...
DescribeX is a visual, interactive tool for exploring the underlying structure of an XML collection. DescribeX implements a framework for creating XML summaries described using axi...
Mir Sadek Ali, Mariano P. Consens, Shahan Khatchad...
Program specifications are important for many tasks during software design, development, and maintenance. Among these, temporal specifications are particularly useful. They expres...
Identifying gene clusters, genomic regions that share local similarities in gene organization, is a prerequisite for many different types of genomic analyses, including operon pred...
Although the presence of a schema enables many optimizations for operations on XML documents, recent studies have shown that many XML documents in practice either do not refer to ...