JPREDICTOR is a tool for detecting concurrency errors in JAVA programs. The JAVA program is instrumented to emit property-relevant events at runtime and then executed. The resulti...
Many static and dynamic analyses have been developed to improve program quality. Several of them are well known and widely used in practice. It is not entirely clear, however, how ...
Abstract. We present a framework that unifies unit testing and runtime verification (as well as static verification and static debugging). A key contribution of our overall approac...
Edison Mera, Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Pedro L&oacut...
A number of effective error detection tools have been built in recent years to check if a program conforms to certain design rules. An important class of design rules deals with s...
Michael C. Martin, V. Benjamin Livshits, Monica S....
Microprocessor designers use techniques such as clock gating to reduce power dissipation. An unfortunate side-effect of these techniques is the processor current fluctuations th...