Robotic cardiac catheters have the potential to revolutionize heart surgery by extending minimally invasive techniques to complex surgical repairs inside the heart. However, cathet...
Abstract. Contemporary workflow management systems offer workitems to users through specific work-lists. Users select the work-items they will perform without having a specific sch...
Ronny Mans, Nick C. Russell, Wil M. P. van der Aal...
We developed an augmented reality (AR) dental training simulator utilizing a haptic (force feedback) device. A number of dental procedures such as crown preparation and opening ac...
Radio-frequency (RF) ablation is a minimal invasive thermal therapy, currently considered as an alternative to surgery to eradicate small solid kidney tumors. Our aim is to underst...
Mihaela Pop, Sean R. H. Davidson, Mark Gertner, Mi...
Physically based deformable models have been widely embraced by the Computer Graphics community. Many problems outlined in a previous survey by Gibson and Mirtich [GM97] have been...