The performance of future manycore processors will only scale with the number of integrated cores if there is a corresponding increase in memory bandwidth. Projected scaling of el...
Scott Beamer, Chen Sun, Yong-Jin Kwon, Ajay Joshi,...
We present a grid-enabled problem solving environment (PSE), for multidimensional QTL analysis. The concept of a computational grid has not been fully realized within this and oth...
Mahen Jayawardena, Carl Nettelblad, Salman Zubair ...
It has been shown that the sparse grid combination technique can be a practical tool to solve high dimensional PDEs arising in multidimensional option pricing problems in finance...
Publish/subscribe messaging is a fundamental mechanism for interconnecting disparate services and systems in the service-oriented computing architecture. The quality of services (Q...
Hao Yang, Minkyong Kim, Kyriakos Karenos, Fan Ye, ...
Management of large-scale Network-Centric Systems (NCS) and their applications is an extremely complex and challenging task due to factors such as centralized management architect...