The advent of multicore processors requires mainstream concurrent programming languages with high level concurrency constructs and effective debugging techniques. Unfortunately, m...
Nalini Vasudevan, Satnam Singh, Stephen A. Edwards
Abstract. Implementations of parallel dialects (or: coordination languages) on a functional base (or: computation) language always have to extend complex runtime environments by th...
-BASED ABSTRACT INTERPRETATION OF PROLOG1 BAUDOUIN LE CHARLIER, SABINA ROSSI, AND PASCAL VAN HENTENRYCK . Abstract interpretation is a general methodology for systematic developmen...
Baudouin Le Charlier, Sabina Rossi, Pascal Van Hen...
With the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of embedded electronic systems, a unified design methodology at evels of abstraction becomes a necessity. Meanwhile, it is also i...
Guang Yang 0004, Xi Chen, Felice Balarin, Harry Hs...
Heterogeneous system specifications implicitly assume parallel execution of their components that rely on supporting platform architectures and operating systems. Unfortunately, c...