The deep submicron semiconductor technologies will make the worst-case design impossible, since they can not provide design margins that it requires. Research directions should go ...
Granularity control is an effective means for trading power consumption with performance on dense shared memory multiprocessors, such as multi-SMT and multi-CMP systems. In this p...
Matthew Curtis-Maury, James Dzierwa, Christos D. A...
This paper analyzes the energy consumption of ad hoc nodes using IEEE 802.11 interfaces. Our objective is to provide theoretical limits on the lifetime gains that can be achieved b...
System-on-a-chip (SOC) platform manufacturers are increasingly adding configurable features that provide power and performance flexibility in order to increase a platform's ap...
This paper presents a maximum likelihood approach to multiple fundamental frequency (F0) estimation for a mixture of harmonic sound sources, where the power spectrum of a time fra...