In many multiagent settings, a decision must be made based on the preferences of multiple agents, and agents may lie about their preferences if this is to their benefit. In mechan...
The 2002 SIGCOMM Workshop on Educational Challenges for Computer Networking [Kur02a] exposed many issues related to teaching computer networking with the need for a laboratory in ...
Michael Erlinger, Mart Molle, Titus Winters, Chris...
The demand for quickly delivering new applications is increasingly becoming a business imperative today. Application development is often done in an ad hoc manner, without standar...
Vikas Agarwal, Koustuv Dasgupta, Neeran M. Karnik,...
The Semantic Web is a new layer of the Internet that enables semantic representation of the contents of existing web pages. Using common ontologies, human users sketch out the mos...
Christian Fillies, Gay Wood-Albrecht, Frauke Weich...
In many settings Web services are now perceived as the first choice technology to provide neatly encapsulated functionality for Web-based computation. To date, many standards hav...
Dominic Greenwood, Margaret Lyell, Ashok U. Mallya...